
— feeling amazing
Echo - Pam Muñoz Ryan

Hello Everyone,


When I am traveling in the car I am usually listening to an audiobook. I have listened to many different books this way and Echo is one of them. The audio version of this book has a lot of interesting features, which I will discuss later on in this review. 


Do not feel daunted by the length of this book, it is one of those that you get into and forget that you are reading. This book is broken into three parts and each part follows the story of three children and how they are affected by World War II. These children are from all different areas of the world and are creatively connected by a harmonica. This is where the interesting features of the audio version of this book come into play. 


From the beginning, where the reader is following the story of an amazing musician and harmonica maker, the reader is serenaded by the harmonica as well as different orchestra songs. The reader is really given a gift to be able to hear these aspects of the story for themselves and it pulls you deeper into the story. 


Readers who love historical fiction will enjoy following the stories of these children and seeing how all of them are connected in the end.


Happy Reading!


Mrs. Emory